Wednesday, May 16, 2012


In case y'all haven't noticed, I have not been great with blogging. I honestly just forget about it, until I see other cute blogs, and then I feel the need to catch up! So the big news for this month was that babe #2 is a BOY! We are so excited!! I have no idea what to expect with a boy. I was raised with all girls, and when Maddie came, I wasn't too nervous. I have a feeling I'm in for a surprise :) Maddie says she wants to name the baby Stars. I have no idea where this came from, but she doesn't like any "normal" names. So for now it's baby Stars :) Hope everyone had a great mother's day. I am so lucky to be a momma, and can't wait to do it a second time around. It's the hardest, best job in the world! It has made me a better person, for sure, and taught me many things.


  1. LOL @ the name suggestion! Congrats! Love the boys ourselves obviously :) What a great gift to find out right in time for Mother's Day!

  2. I know sam...we need some belly pictures:) I am so excited for you guys. Boys are really fun (and challenging) but I am sure that is how it goes with the gals too.

  3. That is really so exciting that you're having a BOY!! I can't wait to see you on Sat.. it seems like it's been forever!

  4. Congrats on a boy! I think it's fun to have one of each. Now you can decorate in all blue and pick out little man names. Plus your dad and Matt can't be so outnumbered.

  5. Oh, Sam! Although we've known for a while we can't wait to welcome another little boy to the family. Family parties are going to be a hoot! xo
